We held our first Hardy Plant Society of Oregon (HPSO) Open Garden Tour on Saturday, and of course, I was so busy that I forgot to take pictures! But we had 30 visitors and they seemed to like our garden in progress. We will open the gardens again on June 17 and hopefully, I will remember to take photographs!

This is the first bud of the Caribbean Sun tea rose we planted a few months ago.

This is one of our two Double Knockout Roses. They are bright and fulsome! We have a Knockout Pink, as well.

Our first hydrangea of the season on a 5 1/2 foot tall shrub planted 20 years ago when our house was built. We have planted dozens of hydrangeas around the property– white, blue, pink, purple. My love of hydrangeas began with the row of blue ones my mother had along the driveway back east, grown from cuttings from my grandmother’s garden. To this day, my brother, sisters and my nephew count hydrangeas among our favorites!

This stately purple rhododendron is another among the original plantings on our property. It is the fourth Rhododendron to bloom following the cream, red and white one elsewhere on the property. We’ve added another 20 or so this year.

We purchased a Big Ben peony from Adelman’s Peony Gardens last week–in honor of our son-in-law Ben Sutherland! It is tall, and now has a home in my new cutting bed.

Our peony plot thickens! I could never grow peonies when I lived in Oakland, so I am in heaven with my colorful and fragrant row of pink and red peonies.