The rains have arrived, as has cooler weather. The vegetable garden beds have been prepped for the winter after a bountiful harvest. This year we brought in 165.45 pounds of tomatoes, 44.59 pounds of zuccini, 43.75 pounds of cucumbers, 44.86 pounds of red and yellow peppers, 13.5 pounds of potatoes, 7 pounds of raspberries and 8.25 pounds of blueberries-all but the blueberries grown in our 10 10×3-x3 foot raised beds!

This weekend we installed 12 360 pound manufactured steps from CastOhn in three different locations between the lawn and the pasture. This will make the transition much safer for visitors, as well as ourselves! Many thanks to Junior, Eddie and Neil for doing the heavy lifting!

We added boulders to enhance the natural look. In between the rain showers, Gordon has been planting perennials donated by Terra Nova Nurseries and Monrovia Nursery to give it a finished appearance. It will look fantastic next summer and fall!

As the nights get colder, the fall colors spread throughout the garden. The deep red leaves are from a mature Oak Leaf hydrangea that the original owners planted.

The hydrangea on the right was bright blue in the spring; the one on the left was pink.

We removed the netting from the blueberry cage––having learned our lesson when a heavy snowfall last winter broke one of the pvc pipes. The zinnias in the cutting bed brighten our day!

Earlier this spring we removed 3 damaged birch trees and replanted the area with Wrights rhododendrons, Gatsby Moon hydrangeas, compact viburnum, blue salvia, tangerine agastache, yellow coreopsis and some grasses. This is the fall look––can’t wait to see what the rhodies, hydrangeas and viburnum will look like in the spring and summer!

After a dry summer, we love the rain…and the rainbow that often appears. You know what they say about Oregon weather––just wait 5 minutes and it will change!