28 visitors from local garden clubs and local gardens toured The Green PLANeT Gardens on Saturday, June 22 as part of the Hardy Plant Society’s Open Garden program. Gordon walked them through the garden, describing not only the plants but what our vision is for the future of the Green PLANeT Gardens.

Anna Mason, Nanne Wagner from Lake Oswego and Penni Melon from West Linn stop for a cool moment in the shade on our patio.

Gordon shows off our newest garden beds in the pasture, filled with dwarf crepe myrtle, dwarf hydrangeas, roses, and other plants.

The Heavenly Scent roses on the left, blue mophead hydrangeas and Pretty in Pink roses on the right. The roses in our cut flower bed, now in their second year, are blooming their heads off!

Even though it is almost the end of June, there is still snow on Mount Hood-k- viewed from our garden on June 22, 2024 (photo by Marcia Prinz).

More roses in bloom by our hot tub.

Here are the Pretty in Pink and Heavenly Scent roses arranged for inside the house. Having enough flowers outside that I can fill my house with cut flower and still have flowers to look at in the garden has always been my dream!

Just a few weeks before, the peonies were in full bloom.

My two favorite hobbies together: flowers (peonies) and quilting!

What a difference a few weeks make! These were beautiful iris from late May.