Fall has definitely arrived with the trees in full color. It’s even better in the surrounding communities! Ginko on the left, quaking Aspen (soon to be removed because it sends up too many suckers and is crowding out the GInko), and three Norwegian Maples (both the yellow and red).

The Japanese maples are beginning to turn. The greenish one on the right should turn bright red in a few weeks— at least that is what it did last year.

We removed the netting so that it won’t bend the PVC structure under snow. But look at those red leaves on the mature blueberry bushes!

The contrast between the red Japanese maple and the yellow euonymus adds to the fall pallette.

All the hydrangeas are still going strong, but this one— a deep red throughout the year—is spectacular!

We still have flowers in bloom— fuschia and dahlias.

Gordon was busy this past month— removing sod from either side of the new deer fence by our front entrance so we don’t have to bother with mowing grass against the fence. He planted sedum and kniphofia—otherwise known as red hot pokers. Should be lovely in late summer and fall.

We use our shop as a greenhouse to protect young plants during the summer and less hardy plants in the winter. Gordon and our handyman par excellence Rob Johnson figured out how to use 2 free used-windows nailed to a header and footer, while leaving sufficient room for the garage door to open and close. We can thread a hose through the slightly opened window on the right. It came out so well that we plan on doing the same with one of the garage doors on the south side of the shop. Gordon has 8 large grow trays filled with cuttings in his new greenhouse.

Every season at The Green PLANeT Gardens is a delight!