Iris galore

Rhodies are still going strong

Pink and yellow rhododendron surrounded by viburnum near the well. While the viburnum are most prolific in spring, they bloom all summer long.

Our Handyman par excellence —Rob Johnson—helps with the heavy lifting— weedeating and mowing, hunting for holly and berry vines, cleaning out the gutters, hanging hanging baskets and anything that requires climbing a ladder. He pieced together the gazebo above the hot tub last year.

I planted Roma, Black Krim and yellow cherry tomatoes, artichokes, snap peas, regular eggplant and Thai eggplant, potatoes, yellow and red peppers, small cucumbers and grey zucchini, carrots, parsnips, radishes and beets this past week in the veggie garden. The red and yellow raspberries are going strong.

And as always— when the sky is clear— the magnificent view of Mt. Hood, still covered in snow in May.