July 24, 2023–Summer in the Gardens

Summer is in full swing at The Green PLANeT Gardens. We’ve been busy fixing irrigation leaks, pruning our Japanese maples, expanding the front garden in preparation for the planting of a Terra Nova trial garden, and harvesting blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and summer produce from our raised beds. Pruning the Japanese Maples Richardo Chaconas artfully transformed …

June 22,2023–Summer’s in Bloom!

Thirty-four garden enthusiasts visited our Green PLANeT Gardens on June 17–four more than those that came on May 27! This time around they saw roses, our wonderful blue hydrangea and the early daylilies. We enjoyed sharing our garden with The Hardy Plant Society of Oregon members and our friends and neighbors. I don’t know the …

May 7, 2022 Spring is unfolding in our gardens

This week, the rhododendrons began to blossom– first the creamy-pink colored one by our shop… and later in the week, a beautiful red one near our blueberry cage. We expect to see more rhododendron blooms in the coming weeks. Lush orange and salmon/white azaleas perk up the view out of our dining room. And the …

Our Partners

Laurie Bautista, Customer Services RepresentativeWeeks Roses, Wasco, CA Natalie Carmolli, Advertising & Public Relations SpecialistSpring Meadow Nursery (Proven Winners),Grand Haven, MI Peter Graves, soil and tractor servicesWest Linn, OR Hardy Plant Society of Oregon (Open Gardens)Portland, Oregon Robert Johnson, Handyman Galore!Milwaukee, Oregon Eleanor Jolley, Marketing Manager and TrialsTerra Nova Nurseries, Inc., Canby, OR Vanguard Irrigation …

May 4, 2023 We are off to a good start on developing The Green PLANeT Gardens!

Over the past few weeks, Gordon has been prepping the area around our fenced-in veggie garden for new flower beds.  At first he removed about 5-6 feet of turf, but then decided that if he mowed a strip and covered it with landscape cloth, it would save time. He covered the landscape cloth with the …